
Website and graphic design

Here is one site that i Like Graphics and illustrations

As a professional website designer, I am always amazed
at the number of business websites out there that make
it nearly impossible to do business with the company
via the website.

Here is a list of 5 things that I recommend you check
to make sure your website is working for you and not
against you.

1. Does it state where you are willing to sell your
products or services? Worldwide, nationwide,regionally,
locally? If not worldwide, do you clearly state where
you are? I have seen sites that were clearly local
services that didn't even say what state they were in.

2. Does it make it easy for customers to ask questions?
No matter how clear you think you have been, there will
always be someone with a question. You should have a
contact link or email link on every page.

3. Do you have photos of your product or examples or
your work? Not many are willing to buy a product sight

4. How easy is it to order from you? You should have a
shopping cart button or order form link in a highly
visible spot. Make it clear what payment methods you
accept, what your shipping charges are, and how the
product will be shipped. Link the order form to a
confirmation page so the customer is assured that
the order went through.

5. What if the customer is not satisfied with the
product? Have you made your return policies clear? Who
is responsible for shipping if something is returned?
Do you allow refunds, or just exchanges? What if the
item was damaged during shipping? You need to make the
customer feel secure in placing an order with you.

If your website doesn't look professional, doesn't
answer their questions, and doesn't make it easy for
people to buy from you, they will surf on to the next
site that does. So take some time to make sure your
website is working for you and not against you.

Melisa McCurley, Owner of Virtually Designed
Affordable website design for small & home businesses.
Editor of Biz Bytes - free ezine designed to
help you start, run, and prosper at your small business.
Maillto: bizbytes-subscribe@egroups.com

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