
Free Photoshop, Photography, & Web Classes!

Here is a little something for all of us who like learning - all the time!

via CreativeTechs Tips by Craig Swanson on 8/10/09


I just spent (yet another) weekend getting our September course list posted. The upcoming class calendar is pretty cool. Take a look through the slate of upcoming free classes, and sign up for a couple that catch your interest:

Link: Photoshop Course (6-Months!)

Link: Digital Photography Course (10-Weeks)

Link: Lightroom Course (10-Weeks)

Link: Dreamweaver Course (10-Weeks)

Here is the problem: I’m leaving for an extended family vacation in two days. I’m frankly a little concerned that with so many classes starting at once, we’re not going to get the number of people we need signed up by the end of August.

Help Spread The Word! Our free training model only works when we’re sharing with a large worldwide audience. Help us keep these classes free.


Posted via email from photoshopbrushes's posterous

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